7 Day Prayer Miracle Review

It is difficult for most people to realize the importance of blessings in their lives. In the modern era, where most of us are caught up in our busy lives and spending more time on technology, we don’t know how to practice gratitude so that we can get more blessings. We do not control our subconscious mind, but it is what controls our lives. While our conscious mind is the information processor of our body, controlling and connecting with the subconscious mind brings in prosperity. Thus, to help realize your dreams, you need to remove negativity beliefs from the subconscious mind. When your mind is free from the limiting blocks, you will be able to attract the higher vibrations so that you get the good things in life.

All of this might seem easy in theory but takes a strong person to follow it religiously every single day of their lives. If you have been having difficulty reaching that level of subconsciousness, this program is right for you. The 7 Day Prayer Miracle program helps combine the law of attraction with spiritual faith. It helps people stay in a state of ‘blessed’ while removing all negative thoughts from their minds and soul. The program takes a person to that heightened state where they can attract blessings in their lives. This review will help answer some basic questions about the program and allow you to make a decision if you should be purchasing this program.

7 Day Prayer Miracle

Introduction on 7 Day Prayer Miracle Program

The popular 7 Day Prayer Miracle is more than just another spiritual program, instead, it is a guide you through the process of attaining the theta state using scientifically problem prayer methods. You will learn the best way to pray effectively like Prophet Daniel. You will learn about the different techniques to enrich miracles and to enhance your manifestation process of prayer so that you can enjoy miracles in your life. The program has said to change the lives of thousands of people around the world. Using the program, you tend to get blessings of much higher vibrations that bring prosperity in different walks of your life. It’s not just that, using the program, people have also experienced more positivity in their lives and get rid of the negativity that might be pulling them down. The program is said to attract good energy in your life, which might have been missing for so long. The program is basically how you can pray effectively.

Who is the author of this Program?

Amanda Ross is the creator of 7 Day Prayer Miracle. Years ago, she was in a serious accident and almost died. Even though it was one of the most horrifying days of her life, it was during that moment she realized how blessed she was. In the program, you will also learn about the reason why she decided to create this program and how it has influenced her life. She created this program for people who want the blessing of God. Even those who don’t necessarily believe in God can surely use this program as a spiritual awakening. It is vital to keep an open mind and to believe in the program to see results.

How Does the Program Work?

The program is basically a collection of 7 different prayers that can help you overcome your difficulties in life. The prayer allows you to develop the skills that you need to overcome your fears and become more positive in life so that you can achieve the things you want. The unique prayer allows you to connect your brain with the entire universe. The repetitive effect of the prayer containing certain phrases help relives stress, offer you hope, and also promote your well-being.

The program explains the different steps that you will need to follow. There are mainly three steps that you need to take to enjoy the benefits of the program fully.

Step 1 – Read and go through the main 7 Day Prayer Miracle e-book. You do not have just to read it fast; you also need to understand and absorb everything that is written in the e-book.

Step 2 – The next step is to use the Prayer Journal and read it three times in a day. It is best to read it in a place with no distractions and where you can completely concentrate the prayer. There is no need for you to memorize the prayer, but read it from the Prayer Journal. You need to feel the prayer in your heart.

Step 3 – This is an optional step, but it is highly recommended to take full advantage of everything that this program has to offer. The program includes an mp3 known as Song of Shifts. You can play it along when you say your prayers as the angelic vibration of the music will allow you to manifest the prayer completely.

The above steps will give you a better understanding of your inner self and the environment around you. It comes with detailed instructions that will allow you to increase your thinking ability so that you can concentrate on the prayers. It enables you to get rid of the thoughts that might have been preventing you from effective praying.

What is the Program Based on?

Prayers are usually considered to be a personal experience. People have different experiences to share when it comes to the power of prayers that they have felt in their lives. Still, there are a lot of people who do not seem to believe that prayers can be so effective. Amanda Ross has done in-depth scientific research on the subject and concluded that even though Science cannot prove that God exists, it does prove that prayers do work in real life.

Prayers are the art of focusing on a single point so that the soul and mind can align with the body. This phase provides a lot of physical and psychological benefits. According to Ph. D. Scholar and lecturer at Harvard, Marilyn Schlitz, prayers groups have proven to get better outcomes statistically. Also, researchers from the Heritage Foundation have found that prayers bring in positive physical changes, and there is a logical reason behind it. Prayers are said to influence one’s mental health, provide social support, and also improve one’s physical health.

7 Day Prayer Miracle Review

What are the Things Included in the Program?

7 Day Prayer Miracle eBook – This is a 30,000-word e-book that explains the power of prayer. It also provides detailed stepwise information on how to pray effectively, the same way that Daniel prayed for success and protection. It is a course on how you can connect with the spiritual world and connect with the heavenly body.

7 Day Prayer Journal – It consists of a prayer journal containing seven powerful prayers that you can use daily. The prayers will stimulate your neural activities in your brain cells so that you are connected to yourself and your environment. It also teaches your brain how to focus your mind on one particular thing.

Additional Readings

The Archangel Michael Prayer of Boundless Blessings – This eBook free bonus when you purchase this program. T contains a powerful prayer created by Archangel Michael.

Song of Shifts – It is an audio file containing soothing tunes. The frequency of the songs reaches 528Hx, which is said to be the frequency that angels can hear.

Divine Hearing – This guide helps you realize and decipher hidden messages from angels. You become more attentive to your surroundings and open your spiritual ear to hear what the angels from heaven have to say to you.

Divine Numbers – It is a crash course on ways to interpret the Angelic number sequences and receive their blessings. Some numbers such as 555, 11:11, 888 are said to be angel numbers, and this guide helps you understand the meaning behind them.

Prayer of Daniel Reprint – This prayer page is a 476 words prayer that Amanda Ross used during her difficult times. It is divided into four verses and can be effective when recited daily.

What is the cost of the Program?

You can purchase 7 Day Prayer Miracle directly from their official site. Currently, there is an ongoing offer where you can own the program for just $27. You will also enjoy bonuses with this program that will help you make your prayers more effective.

When you purchase this program, you can also get huge discounts on other programs by Amanda Ross, such as 7 Day Prosperity Miracle and 7 Day Healing Miracle. If you do not like the program after purchasing, you can ask for your money back within 30 days of your purchase.

buy 7 day prayer miracle


  • It covers detailed information about what you need to do while praying.
  • The program will help you know how to remove negative people in your life.
  • It allows you to remove fear, anxiety, and depression while making you feel good about yourself.
  • The program will help you become a much better person.
  • The program allows you to find your inner potential.
  • The program will help you live a life where you can enjoy different miracles every day.
  • You can instantly download the digital form of the book after you make your purchase.


  • 7 Day Prayer Miracle is only available in the form of an e-book and is not available in an offline mode.
  • The program will take effect slowly, and you need to be patient to see results.

Customer Testimonials

“When I bought 7 Day Prayer Miracle, I was not sure how it works, or will it help me in any way. There were a few things that were different from what I had always believed in. But, I must say that I was shocked at how well it worked even before the 7 days were over. Trust me, it takes patience and for you to believe in it. I would highly recommend the 7 Day Prayer Miracle to everyone who seeks blessings in their lives.” – Rose L.

“I was going through a rough patch in my life when I lost my job all of a sudden. I was left with a huge debt, and my personal life was in ruins. I needed something to get my mind off all the negativity around me. I heard about the 7 Day Prayer Miracle program and decided to surrender to it. I performed the prayers as instructed and gave it my full trust. I don’t know if it is just a coincidence, but things started to get better on its own. I got a new job offer, and my personal problems seemed to get better. 7 Day Prayer Miracle program has helped me, and it might just be as helpful for you too.” – Mark J. 

Final Verdict – Should You Buy It?

The 7 Day Prayer Miracle program has the potential to change lives. There are many excellent features in the program that can prove to be quite beneficial to everyone. The program teaches you how to pray and ways to keep your mind relax and calm. The program can be used to reveal your inner strength and help you understand your potentials. Using the program will help you achieve the things that you never thought was possible to achieve. You will develop a positive attitude since the prayer will rewire your mind. Since it offers a guarantee, it is a risk-free investment for your life. You will not have to worry about your money going waste in case the program does not bring results you wanted to. You do not have to worry about losing your money in a program if it doesn’t help you. It is best to purchase the program from their official page as there are other fake programs with the same name elsewhere. If you have been going through a rough patch in your personal or professional life, this program can help you see the light at the end of the tunnel. If nothing else has helped, 7 Day Prayer Miracle can surely come to your rescue.

buy 7 day prayer miracle

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