Thyroid Rescue 911 Review

Thyroid issues such as Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism are becoming more common in this era. A recent study concludes a massive increase of 80% in thyroid issue cases in the past century. Thyroid issues are also one of the significant reasons behind miscarriage in women. The ones who are underactive and obese are more prone to Thyroid problems. Thyroid Rescue 911 is an effective solution for you if you are suffering from thyroid issues.

thyroid rescue 911 review

What exactly is Thyroid Rescue 911?

Thyroid Rescue 911 treats thyroid problems. This dietary supplement contains 100% natural ingredients. Many health problems such as low metabolism, mood swings, fatigue, anemia, Insomnia, and skin problems emerge when there is an irregular functioning of thyroid hormones. Thyroid Rescue 911 can effectively treat these health problems.

Jason Miller, an endocrinology researcher, formulated Thyroid Rescue 911, and he ensured that its composition contains only pure and natural ingredients to get the best results. You can trust the manufacturing company of Thyroid Rescue 911, Phytage Labs as they use top-quality ingredients in their products. Phytage Labs doesn’t compromise on purity, potency, and quality.

What are the ingredients of Thyroid Rescue 911?

The manufacturers of Thyroid Rescue 811 are quite cautious and transparent about the ingredients they use for formulating the supplement. All the ingredients used for making Thyroid Rescue 911 are FDA certified.

The following are the most significant ingredients in Thyroid Rescue 911:

  1. Bladderwrack – Being a great spring of iodine, Bladderwrack is an essential ingredient for treating thyroid problems.
  2. L-Tyrosine – L-Tyrosine is responsible for constructing nutritious levels of both T3 and T4 hormones.
  3. Cayenne Pepper – Cayenne Pepper boosts up blood circulation to grant T3 and T4 hormones for administering metabolism with more accuracy.
  4. Copper and Manganese – Copper and Manganese are responsible for the enhancement of Thyroid-stimulating hormones.
  5. Molybdenum – Molybdenum will help you with metabolic healing, and it is also an essential enzyme for circulating adequate levels of nutrients in the body through blood flow.
  6. Schizandra – Being strong antioxidant hemp, Schizandra boosts liver health, reduces blood pressure and fixes damaged cells.
  7. Ashwagandha Root – The metabolism of your body requires T3 and T4 hormones in their effective forms. Ashwagandha Root boosts up the transformation of these hormones into the required forms.
  8. Vitamin B12 – About 40% of Thyroid patients are deficient in Vitamin B12. With the addition of this vitamin as an ingredient in Thyroid Rescue 911, you will get the energy you lack as a result of thyroid problems.
  9. Magnesium, Selenium, and Zinc – Magnesium, Selenium and Zinc help in controlling mood swings, fatigue, depression, foggy brain, Insomnia and skin problems.

How does Thyroid Rescue 911 work?

The dietary supplement of Thyroid Rescue 911 contains natural ingredients for treating Thyroid as well as the related health problems that occur with it. The main aim of these ingredients is to maintain hormonal balance and increase the body’s metabolism. This supplement helps to balance the levels of T3 and T4 hormones and even injects these hormones in the cells when required. The activation of these hormones leads to compatibility with iodine. As blood circulation increases efficiently, the heart rate also improves. One bottle of Thyroid Rescue 911 contains 60 tablets. To get the best results, you should consume one pill in the morning and 1 in the evening. Your body won’t get addicted to Thyroid Rescue 911.

thyroid rescue 911 video

What are the benefits of Thyroid Rescue 911?

The following are the benefits of Thyroid Rescue 911:

  1. Thyroid Rescue 911 supplies T3 and T4 hormones in the body for maintaining the hormone levels. This helps in balancing mood swings.
  2. When Thyroid Rescue 911 balances and maintains the hormone levels in your body, you will experience a reduction in anxiety, stress, and depression.
  3. If you have a low metabolism, Thyroid Rescue 911 will ensure that you have a proper and improved metabolism.
  4. Thyroid Rescue 911 helps you to have a good sleeping pattern so that you can sleep peacefully. It is quite useful for those suffering from Insomnia.
  5. With Thyroid Rescue 911, you will see an improvement in your energy levels. It will help you in maintaining hormone levels so that your body doesn’t lack the required energy levels.
  6. If you have Hypothyroidism, you are likely to suffer from weight gain. To tackle obesity, you can use Thyroid Rescue 911 as it supports weight loss. With this dietary supplement, you can lose up to 6 lbs in 2 weeks.
  7. Thyroid Rescue 911 will help you to fight skin problems.

How much does Thyroid Rescue 911 cost?

Thyroid Rescue 911 comes as dietary supplements in bottles. If you want to purchase these supplements, order them from the official website of Thyroid Rescue 911. The official website offers more discounts if you are buying more bottles.

  • 1 bottle of Thyroid Rescue 911 lasts for a month. The cost of 1 bottle is $69.95.
  • If you purchase two bottles, you will save $10 on each bottle and get them at $119.90.
  • If you order 4 bottles, you will save $20 on each bottle and get them all at $199.80.

Currently, the official website is offering free shipping, and so, you can save $9.95 more. Any transaction you make on the official website is extremely safe and secure. Your pay-outs are reliable due to the support of reputed antivirus agencies like McAfee Secure and Trust Guard.

order thyroid rescue 911

Does Thyroid Rescue 911 offer any Money Back Guarantee?

The manufacturing company of Thyroid Rescue 911 offers a 90-day money-back guarantee. You can get a 100% refund without facing any questions. For claiming a refund, you should contact the customer service for obtaining RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number. After getting the number, write it on the shipping package. You have to pay the return shipping charges. The package should reach the fulfillment center of the company within 97 days from the date of delivery. After the fulfillment center receives your package, you will get your refund credited to your bank account.


Can a 16-year old use this supplement?

– No, people below 18 years of age should not use this supplement.

How soon will I experience the results?

– You will start experiencing some results from the 1st day of consuming these pills. After 3 weeks, you will experience significant changes. However, results may vary in each individual.

Do I need to store the bottles of Thyroid Rescue 911 in the refrigerator?

– No, you don’t have to put the bottles of Thyroid Rescue 911 in the refrigerator as these pills will stay fresh, potent and effective and any temperature.

Are there any extra shipping charges for international orders?

– No, the company doesn’t charge any extra shipping charges for international orders.


  • Thyroid Rescue 911 ensures that you sleep better. It backpedals your sleep disorders such as Insomnia.
  • It helps to balance hormone levels.
  • When you start taking these pills, you will experience an enhancement in your energy level as well as a decrease in fatigue.
  • Thyroid Rescue 911 will help you to overpower mood swings and anger issues.
  • It will disengage you from stress.
  • It will boost your digestive system.
  • It will enhance your metabolism.
  • With Thyroid Rescue 911, your body will have a smooth distribution of blood.
  • It will help you to fight obesity.
  • It will help you to overcome skin problems.


There are no cons of consuming Thyroid Rescue 911 as it doesn’t have any side-effects. However, this supplement is not available locally or from other e-commerce sites except its official website.

Customer Reviews

By Jasmine Q.

I keep track of my weight every 3-4 weeks to ensure that I stay away from the path of becoming obese. 5 months ago, my weight was 97 lbs. But after a month, my weight reached 155 lbs! I was shocked due to this unexpected escalation in weight. I suspected that something unusual was going on in my body, and so, I consulted my physician. She asked me to get my blood tests done, and after doing so, I came to know that I was suffering from thyroid-related health problems. Thyroid Rescue 911 pills helped me to fight these problems. After consuming them for a month, my weight reduced to 123 lbs. These pills are indeed useful for thyroid problems.

By Tim W.

I ordered this supplement for my thyroid issues because it contains natural ingredients. After knowing that this supplement has natural ingredients in its composition, I ordered 1 bottle without any hesitation. Due to my Thyroid issues, I was facing many problems, including low metabolism, digestion issues, poor sleep, and even obesity. All these problems started vanishing rapidly after I began to take these pills. I didn’t experience any side effects after consuming these pills.

By Tony J.

Last year was tough for me. I couldn’t do my work quickly, and I couldn’t sleep well. Depression and Insomnia put my job at risk. I was feeling a lack of energy in that phase. To check if I was suffering from any nutritional deficiencies, I got my blood test done. When the reports came, I came to know that I was suffering from those problems due to Thyroid issues. To fight with my Thyroid problems, I decided to try out nutritional supplements to balance my hormone levels. I ordered Thyroid Rescue 911 after going through some supplements on the internet. Thyroid Rescue 911 worked for me, and in less than 2 months, all of my thyroid-related issues slowly began to disappear.

By Amanda T.

A couple of months back, I started feeling exhausted at work even after having sufficient food-intake to keep my energy levels high. It was tough to concentrate properly at work, and I used to feel sleepy. After coming back, I didn’t even have enough energy to talk with my kids and husband. As my daughter is studying medicine, she said that I might be suffering from thyroid-related problems. She began to look for some supplements to tackle this problem. When she got done with sorting out the right brands, she suggested me Thyroid Rescue 911. I ordered 1 bottle and took the supplements for 1 month daily. I got my previous energy levels back due to this supplement, and I’m going to use this supplement for one more month.

The final verdict

Thyroid Rescue 911 is one of the best dietary supplements amongst all the supplements available for the treatment of thyroid issues. The ones who are facing problems like fatigue, low metabolism, irregular sleep patterns, obesity, depression, and skin problems due to thyroid issues should try out this supplement. The manufacturers of this supplement use high quality and natural ingredients, and so, this supplement doesn’t have any side effects. You will experience the results within a few weeks of consuming these pills. If you aren’t satisfied with the results of Thyroid Rescue 911, you can return it due to its 90-day money-back guarantee policy.

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