Baby Sleep Miracle Review

Have you been awake the most of your nights trying to put your little ones to bed? The phrase, ‘sleep like a baby’ doesn’t make much sense to a new mother; babies as opposed to a common mindset, do not sleep that easy; their sleep is intermittent, they wake up a few times during the night; crying and all upset. You need to wake up repeatedly to placate them and put them back to sleep, so you see not as peaceful as advertised commonly.

We try to develop schedules, make the entire household go silent, in-fact; we are afraid to so much as even breathe loudly for the fear of disturbing our baby’s sleep. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try, they will wake up now and then during the night and just when you were drifting off to deep sleep, you need to force yourself awake. This sometimes leads to serious health issues like post-traumatic stress disorder syndrome in new mothers. Childbirth is overwhelming, suddenly being entirely responsible for a new life is mind-boggling, you still are struggling to settle down with this new member and your new body that has created life. In such a stage we are faced with new challenges every day and then if there is an addition of baby-sleep issues to your list, you tip off the edge.

Your child getting good sleep- hours is vital for his growth; simultaneously it gives a new mother some time to sit back and relax without having to worry about your child for a bit. A baby’s body development happens mostly when he is asleep so ensuring long hours of deep sleep is crucial for them. So, how do we ensure that our babies get long hours of quality sleep? The Baby Sleep Miracle is the answer to all your questions. It will guide you step by step on how to put your baby to sleep on time, every day, like clockwork.

Baby Sleep Miracle Book

About the Baby Sleep Miracle

The Baby Sleep Miracle is an e-book, written by Mary-Ann Schuler which helps you understand your baby’s sleep patterns and the reason behind it. It will tell you about some good techniques to put your toddler to sleep without having the baby fuss too much. Additionally, this book also contains some very useful health tips for your young ones’ care.

The author of this book, Mary-Ann Schuler is a pediatric psychologist with 20 years plus of experience in this field and also the mother of two. So, it is safe to say that the woman has knowledge backed by science and first-hand experience. Further, the facts published in this book has been extensively researched by the Stanford Center for Sleep Science and Medicine along with the Harvard Medical School. It’s not a book full of grandma’s tales, it’s a scientific method to help your little one ease off his sleep woes.

In the formative years, babies have a deep bond with their mothers, it almost like they are still linked by a virtual cord to them. A new mother is often exhausted, sleep-deprived and striving continuously to be a good parent to their little ones. It is too much for a person, who, herself is still recovering from the recent event of childbirth. Owing to all these factors, mothers are often tired, with sapped energy and sometimes irritable. If you notice, this has a direct effect on your baby, they also get cranky and fussy. So, a mother’s good health is as important as her baby’s.

To ensure that both the mother and child remain healthy, there is only one major factor required, good sleep. If the baby sleeps well, the mother will also be able to get some good hours of sleep. The Baby Sleep Miracle is designed to solve all your sleep and make motherhood easier for the new moms.

Baby Sleep Miracle PDF

What will you learn from the Baby Sleep Miracle?

This book is aimed at helping the new parents to sleep train their babies and help develop a consistent sleep schedule; which many of us think is impossible to achieve with children. The Baby Sleep Miracle will teach you how to put your baby to sleep without making him fussy, every day on fixed timing. The book has 4 chapters and 16 sub-chapters, which will give you step by step guidance on sleep training methods.

Baby Sleep Miracle will help you understand the messages your little ones are trying to convey. Since there is not much language in the early years; it is difficult to understand what they are trying to say. Every wailing cannot be for food, they are a mini-you and experience a flurry of emotions. After the safety and security of their mother’s womb for 9 months, suddenly this new world is terrifying to them. They are trying to understand it every day and for this they need you to help them, to understand them and comfort them.

The book will teach you how to know when your baby is just generally fussy or mildly uncomfortable and when it requires immediate attention. Since the only form of communication for babies is crying, they will cry when sleepy, hungry, uncomfortable, ill or have a soiled diaper. How do we differentiate one from the other and determine if a situation is just your everyday fuss or an actual emergency? The book teaches you to differentiate between them.

It teaches you how to make your young one, go to bed in time; such that they get the sufficient number of hours a new baby should.

The Baby Sleep miracle will also ensure that you can give your baby longer and more peaceful hours of sleep. It helps control your stress and anxiety caused by constantly worrying about your little one.

The book tells you why age-old techniques like nursing or rocking your baby to sleep are not good. It will give you a healthy alternative and teach you how to keep these young toddler’s love quotient optimum to prevent any crying episodes during the night.

One of the major reasons for your kid’s unwillingness to go to sleep is stress. As strange as it may sound, babies do get stressed, this book will teach you methods to reduce their stress in 5 minutes and putting their minds at ease.

The book contains 7 sure shot and tested steps to put your baby to sleep, no matter how fussy he is at naptime. It also introduces you to the California Institute of Technology’s brilliant method to increase the sleep hormones in your child’s body to induce quick sleep; with the help of a 100 % drugfree and safe formula.

The Baby Sleep Miracle has the answers to all the questions, a new parent is struggling with. The book is mainly focused on sleep training but has a lot of general tips on how to care for your child in the best possible way.

Baby Sleep Miracle Review

How can you benefit from the Baby Sleep Miracle?

The Baby Sleep Miracle is of great help to new parents in numerous ways. Let’s explore the list of benefits it has to offer.

  • This book provides the solution to the one problem, nobody has a definitive solution for; erratic sleep patterns in babies. It has tips and methods on how to sleep train your child and enhance his quality of sleep.
  • The sleep training techniques explained in this book are not based on hearsay. It is based on scientific studies conducted by prestigious institutions such as Stanford Center for Sleep Science and Medicine and the Harvard Medical School. The author invested time and money to study many results of such researches and their effects to devise a formula that works. Moreover, the author herself is a pediatric psychologist, hence, be assured all the methods suggested are well researched and not arrived at by mere assumptions.
  • The suggested methods and techniques in this book are tried and tested. The author of this book, Mary-Ann Schuler is a mother of two children. She has extensively researched the methods and then tried and tested them herself, before going about propagating them to others.
  • The suggested techniques and methods are designed with keeping in mind, the fact that the audience target is new mothers. Being first- time parents, they are facing new challenges every day. The suggested ideas are hence easy to follow and extremely simple. The language and the content are designed keeping this fact in mind.
  • The information given in the Baby Sleep Miracle is much more than just guidance on sleep training techniques. It consists of a lot of tips and tricks that will help you care for your toddler, generally.
  • The Baby Sleep Miracle is being offered on a special discount price on the official homepage, making it affordable for everyone.
  • If you are not convinced with the Baby Sleep Miracle, you can return it for a refund.
  • It will help you regain your sleep and mental clarity. When your baby will rest well, you will rest well and the fact that you could make this enormous change in your little one’s life will make the parent in you; proud and confident of your ability to be a good mom or dad.
  • This book can be both for moms and dads.
  • Three bonus books are also given along with the main edition.

Price and refund policy

The original price of the Baby Sleep Miracle is 99 USD, however, they are offering a special baby’s day discount and you can purchase the e-book for 37 USD only!

Not only this, if you are dissatisfied with the book in any possible way. There is an easy 90 days returns and refunds policy in place to help you.

Baby Sleep Miracle PDF Review

Disadvantages of the Baby Sleep Miracle

  • You need an internet connection to access this content as it is not available in paperback formats.
  • The Baby Sleep Miracle requires you to be consistent with your efforts and not give up. It requires you to develop and then maintain a regular schedule.
  • This e-book is available only in English.

What are the customers saying?

Let us hear from the parents how helpful did they find the Baby Sleep Miracle in their journey of parenthood.

“Before my baby was born, I read-up extensively; books on child care, good parenting and what not but nothing can prepare you enough. Although my husband actively helped with caring for the baby, I was still exhausted and immensely sleep deprived. My days were spent caring for the child and nights waking up frequently as the baby would cry and wake up. I was tired, irritable and guilt-ridden for I thought probably I was not good enough a mom. I scoured the internet to find a solution for my child’s sleep woes and came across the Baby Sleep Miracle. I read the content of their homepage and was impressed by what I say. The added assurance of all this information coming from a pediatric psychologist made me feel surer of it. It did take time to fully understand as to what is to be done and how but once I had my grip on it, sleep schedules worked like clock-work. My baby was sleeping better. I was sleeping better. Thank you, doc, you have helped me a lot with this book.” – Angela


We all try to provide for our children to the best of our capabilities. We want them to have everything we couldn’t and much more. When your baby smiles, it lights up your world but when they cry all seems lack-luster. Parents do everything in their power to keep that smile on their child’s face and to see them happy.

If you have tried all you could to devise a sleep schedule for your little one and achieved no success, don’t lose hope. This book offers scientifically proven methods and tricks to help your baby sleep well and on time.

The Baby Sleep Miracle is one important step in the direction of your child’s happiness. This book helps you understand your baby better, what they want and are trying to convey with their meek voices. It helps you give them a safe environment psychologically and make them comfortable in their new homes.

Finally, if you are still unconvinced of the purchase, you can simply initiate a return within 90 days of purchase and get your refund.

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