Custom Keto Diet Review

If you have been struggling to lose weight and nothing else has worked so far, many people recommend Custom Keto Diet by Rachel Roberts. According to the creator of the plan, she has undertaken vast research and advice from leading nutritionists, chefs, and personal trainers to develop Keto meal plans that are effective, affordable, convenient, and enjoyable at the same time. Even though the program was launched in 2019, it already has excellent reviews from its clients. If you have been considering using the Custom Keto Diet plan to reach your fitness goal, check out the review to know if it is worth your money.

custom keto diet

About Custom Keto Diet

Most people start with a lot of energy to lose weight, but in the way, they lose their will. If it has happened to you, you are not alone. People spend a lot of time reading books on Keto diets and watch videos of YouTube. But, in the end, they are still not sure how to create a Keto diet plan and how to follow it. Many just start by reading instructions on the books without understanding what exactly they are following. The problem is that they do not have a proper structure to follow, and losing weight can become a challenge. They end up making a number of mistakes that not only prevent them from losing weight but also harm their health. The four common mistakes that people make are –

  • Avoid being in a calorie deficit.
  • Put an extreme restriction on calories.
  • Believing that all calories are the same.
  • Following a superficial restrictive diet.

Custom Keto Diet provides you with an 8-week custom Keto diet plan that has been designed around your goals, habits, lifestyle, and your taste buds. This plan helps you prevent all the mistakes mentioned above. What works for the plan is that it does not assume that one meal plan works for everyone. It creates custom meal plans, provides recipes and other relevant information that is made especially for you. Even before you get a meal plan, you need to fill out a questionnaire where you need to answer questions such as –

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Lifestyle and Daily Habits
  • What Mean You Like to Eat?
  • What Vegetables Do You want to Include?
  • What are the Different Foods You Like?
  • Your Weight Loss Goals

The program takes all this information and changes the meals according to your preferences. Apart from the meal plan for eight weeks, recipes, amount to eat, a shopping list that all together will help you lose weight.

custom keto diet reviews

How Does the Custom Keto Diet Plan Works?

The Custom Keto Diet makes use of high-fat foods that are rich in polyunsaturated fats so that you lose weight pretty fast. The reason why the Keto diet works are because it does not restrict you to the kind of food you can eat and when. In addition, you do not have to work out for hours or count your calories to reach your weight goal. Instead, your meals should be rich in healthy fats, but limited carbohydrates. It will turn your body to use fat as a source of fuel, and help you lose weight in the process.

About the Creator – Rachel Roberts

Rachel Roberts is the creator of the Custom Diet Plan. She is a fitness expert and also a dietician. She has helped thousands of people achieve their fitness goals. She believes that healthy eating is vital for weight loss and to attain fitness. Thus, she created the Custom Diet Plan for people whom she cannot help personally. Through her plan, she wanted to reach out to people far and beyond and help them through their fitness journey. Her plans are easy to follow and will fit into any lifestyle.

What Do You Get When You Purchase the Custom Keto Diet Plan?

Custom Keto Diet Plan helps men and women to take charge of their bodies and reach their weight goals. You will get a custom diet plan based on your preferences, body weight, height, activity levels, target weight goal, and more. The creator uses studies and scientific research to create personalized plans to maximize fat burning for an individual. Once you make the payment, here are the things that you will get to get started –

  • An 8-week meal plan created by the best nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs to ensure that you are able to reach your goal weight.
  • The diet plan that you get is optimized for your ideal calorie and your macro intake. If you do not get adequate calorie intake, it means that you will not lose weight. Thus, a science-based meal plan helps figure out the calorie and macro intake for your specific situation.
  • All of the meals specified in the plan are not tasteless. Instead, you get to have delicious meals of your preferences with recipes that have been created by top Keto chefs. It means that you will be able to look forward to your meals allowing you to enjoy every meal.
  • You also get further instructions on how to customize your everyday meals. You will get options for each of your meals so that you never get bored. You get all the nutrients your body needs while making every meal more enjoyable.
  • You get step-by-step recipes of the simple meals that you need to prepare. Even you do not know how to cook properly, these recipes are surely easy to follow.
  • You also get a detailed list of the items you need to shop so that you can get all the ingredients for the upcoming seven days together. All you have to do is download the list and go shopping.

8 week custom keto diet plan

Additional Features

  • The plan is fully automated and editable according to your needs and can be re-adjusted whenever you need it to.
  • The system understands that it is not possible for people to cook every meal. Thus, it comes with details on how you can incorporate the Keto diet while eating from top fast-food restaurants such as Burger King, McDonald’s, Subway and others
  • If you are one of those following intermittent fastings, you can easily eat around your schedule since the meal is then adjusted to meet your requirements.

The Benefits of Custom Keto Diet

Here are some of the top benefits of Custom Keto Diet by Rachel Robert you should know:-

  • It Stops Cravings– This plan does not impose any restrictions on your eating habits. You will still be able to eat your favorite food with high nutrient value in a much smarter way; it will help benefit your health. Since you will always be full, you will not crave for any unhealthy meals or snacks at odd times.
  • It Controls Insulin Level in Your Blood– When you are eating healthy food, the insulin level in your blood will remain high. It increases the fat-burning ability allowing you to lose weight much faster. Also, when there is a healthy drop in your insulin level, you enjoy many of its benefits as well.
  • No Need for Hardcore Exercise Routine– When you are following the Custom Keto Diet, you do not have to indulge in extreme exercise sessions to burn the extra fat in your body. Your energy levels boost up, and you will feel more active.
  • Keto Diet Meals are Safe and Healthy– Keto diet plan not only help you lose weight but since you are eating healthy food, your overall health will also improve. The meals are safe and backed by years of research. Thus, just eating healthy meals is better than what you have been eating.
  • Very Easy to Follow– The custom Keto diet plan is easy to follow as you will still be allowed to eat your favorite food. It will enable you to be happy and remain satisfied with your meals that are essential to be successful for any weight loss goal.
  • Natural Way to Lose Weight– The Custom Keto Diet Plan allows your body to naturally lose fat and weight by adding high fat and low card food into your diet. Since you will be able to get to eat the food of your choice, it will become quite easy for you to follow.

Price of Custom Keto Diet

Typically, consultation with dietician or nutrition expert is quite expensive. It can range anywhere from $500-$1000 for diet plans and follow-ups. But, with the Custom Keto Diet Plan, you get all of that and even more at just 5% of the cost. The price for the entire plan is $37 for an 8-week diet plan.

Once you purchase the plan and if you are not satisfied with the results after 60 days, you can get a full refund by sending them an e-mail with your receipt.

custom keto diet review

Pros of Custom Keto Diet Review

  • Relieves Symptoms of Neurological Disorders– People suffering from neurological disorders such as epilepsy can significantly benefit from the Keto diet. According to research, it helps reduce the frequency of seizures and is the perfect diet for these people.
  • Helps Keep Type 2 Diabetes in Control– If you are at a high risk of Type 2 Diabetes, the Keto diet can keep your insulin levels in check and reduce the excess body fat, which can cause the disease in the first place.
  • Reduces Risk of Cancer– When you are on the Keto diet, you are starving your tumor cells and keeping them under control. Thus, the Keto diet helps reduce the risk of cancer to a great extent.
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health– Keto diet is helpful in combating many different conditions that are directly related to obesity and body fat. Some of the conditions that it keeps a check on the blood pressure, cholesterol level, insulin, stroke, and others.

Cons of Custom Keto Diet Review

Even though Custom Keto Diet is great for everyone, it won’t work for people who cannot follow the instructions of experts. People who do not want to take any action and only look for diets to follow cannot benefit from it. If you invest in the plan, it is important that you see it through before you decide if it is working for you or not.

Client Reviews

Here are what clients following the Custom Keto Diet have to say about it –

“I have been following the Custom Keto Diet plan for a few months now, and I have lost around 40 pounds till now. I do not have hunger pangs, and it has become a way of life for me. All of the meal plans are created to suit my taste, and I am happy I found it.” – Angelina 

“I have always struggled with my weight, and following the hard diet plans was difficult for me. I would give up just after a few days. But, after I found the Custom Keto Diet, my life has not been the same. Food is no longer on my mind the whole day, and I get to what I like. Still, I am managing to lose weight and feel energetic than I have ever felt before.” – Todd   

Final Verdict

The Custom Keto Diet Plan is nothing like the regular plans as they are created by experts in the field. It provides you complete information based on your needs and around your lifestyle. It shows you what you need to eat and how in a language that is quite easy for you. Anyone who is looking to start on a Keto diet can greatly benefit from this one. The good thing is that Custom Keto Diet is perfect for people of all ages and does not over-burden you. Thus, one can easily customize them according to your situation and their goals with ease. You will surely be able to see visible results by the end of the 8-week program. All you have to do is follow the diet plan and add some light exercises or walks to see faster results.

Custom Keto Rachel Roberts Diet

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