Immunity 911 Review

Good health is a gift, and it took the world being brought to its knees with the Coronavirus for people to appreciate this gift. Companies have and continue to close down. Some industries have put up virtual offices to cater to this change while others are cutting down on staff to create social distancing. For some lucky self-employed people, who have been working remotely, there is little difference with what they are doing now.

This virus is highly transmittable from one person to another, escalating the number of people with the infection to nearly two million people as of mid-April, 2020.

There are various ways to reduce the chances of infection. You should use a face mask, sanitizer, and wash your hands several times throughout the day, stay quarantined, and observe social distancing, as well as get checked the moment you feel unwell.

Coronavirus is an opportunistic infection that affects vulnerable people the most. The elderly, the young, and people with underlying health conditions are predisposed to get complications if they get this virus. The reason for this is their immunity is compromised. You may be in this category of people with compromised immunity because you are not getting the right nutrients.

You must get the right nutrients so your body can defend you from such diseases. The diet you are taking might not be the best to help you build up your immunity. That is why you need a supplement that will supply much-needed nutrients to your body. Immunity 911 is such a supplement. Get to know what it is, what it offers you, and the benefits it gives.

Immunity 911

Discover Immunity 911

Immunity 911 is a supplement with nutrients from superfoods that provide micronutrients to the body. These micronutrients are vital for the proper functioning of the body but tend to lack in most diets that people over 60 years have. The reason for this is because the older a person gets, the more limited their food becomes. They start to lack the complete package of nutrients necessary to build their immunity up. That is where this supplement comes in.

Research has taken place over the last few months that has brought together the Mother List of ingredients to boost immunity against opportunistic infections. The product, created by PhytAge Labs, guards your body against pathogens, giving you a better future.

Immunity 911 Formula

This product has a formula comprising 15 ingredients specifically chosen to supercharge your white blood cells to fight off infection. Here are the specific components you get in the supplement.

  • Graviola Leaf: This ingredient is found in the Amazon jungle in its pure form. It serves as an antioxidant in the body and takes away radicals that could potentially hurt you through different conditions.
  • Himalayan Raspberry: This berry looks similar to a strawberry, but it is yellow. It is found in the Tibetan region and is a source of phytochemicals. Phytochemicals serve as powerful antioxidants that rid the body of radicals that can cause it to harm through disease.
  • Himalayan Pomegranate: The pomegranate is indigenous to the Himalayas. It is added to this product to boost your immune system by introducing antioxidants into it. These antioxidants are essential for exterminating radicals from the body.
  • Olive Leaf: The olive leaf is found in Egypt and Asia Minor. It has been used for hundreds of years to fight off infection. It does this by using two agents responsible for staving disease called calcium elenolate and oleuropein.
  • The Maitake Mushroom: This mushroom is found in China and is known to boost immunity and regulate blood pressure. It accomplishes this through a compound called beta-glucan that activates macrophage cells to protect the body.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric is a famous, yellow herb that is used the world over. It is rich in antioxidant properties to strengthen your immunity and build it up.
  • Pine Bark: This bark is extracted from a pine tree indigenous to Europe. This tree contains vitamin C responsible for boosting immunity in the body.
  • Burdock: This herb comes from Europe and Asia, but has been adapted for the North American climate. It removes toxins from your blood, reducing the risk of getting diseases like cancer, and boosts immunity.
  • Sheep Sorrel: This is yet another herb rich in antioxidant properties. It is a tall herb native to North America, Europe, and Asia. It can be found in grasslands, prairies, roadsides, among other similar sites. It is also known as Rumex Acetosella.
  • Grape Seed Extract: This extract contains proanthocyanidins believed to have pharmacological effects on the body. These effects include antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, among other great benefits.
  • Cat’s Claw: Cat’s Claw is native to the continents of Central and South America. In some of these places, the herb grows naturally in the wild. It is believed to have chemicals that better the immune system and help fight pathogens.
  • Garlic: Garlic is known to be a natural antibiotic and has dozens of benefits to the human body. In this particular case, it contains compounds that boost the immune system to help it stave off infections.

This supplement also contains Selenium, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C. Selenium is a vital mineral essential for the proper function of the thyroid as well as metabolism. It guards the body against oxidative stress so that it functions as it should. Vitamin E is an essential vitamin in protecting the body’s cells against oxidative stress. Lastly, Vitamin C serves the purpose of boosting the immune system and guarding against infections.

Immunity 911 Functions

Immunity 911 works by fortifying your body with the nutrients it supercharges your system with. These nutrients are antioxidants that target the free radicals in your body and eliminate them. Radicals are unstable molecules or atoms formed when cells lose or gain electrons. These radicals are known to cause diseases and conditions as the body ages. They do this by creating instability in the body as they look for electrons to pair with.

The supplement has ingredients that eliminate these free radicals creating stability in the body. It is also imbued with nutrients that help the body fight off infection by boosting its immune system.

Immunity 911 reviews

Immunity 911 Usage

This supplement is made for people of all ages above the age of 18. It is manufactured for oral ingestion and comes in pill form. You should swallow it down with water. This product is a dietary supplement that complements the diet you already have in place. It is, therefore, recommended that you take a properly balanced diet as much as it is in your power. This supplement is not a replacement for a balanced diet.

There are a few categories of people who should approach this product with care. Pregnant and lactating mothers, children under the age of 18, people with a medical condition, and those who are under prescribed medication should consult a doctor before they take this supplement.


The recommended dosage for this product is two pills a day that you swallow down with water. Do not exceed this recommended dosage as it can be detrimental to your health. Choose a particular time that you will take this supplement and stick to it so your body will create absorption awareness in this time frame.

Immunity 911 Safety

Immunity 911 is manufactured in the US under strict manufacturing standards. It follows the set rules by the Good Manufacturing Practice and is certified to manufacture by this organization. It is free of GMO, gluten, and dairy products, making it a go-to product for people from any school of thought or dietary limitation.

Immunity 911 Advantages

Immune 911 has incredible benefits in these perilous times. You need an immune system that is at its best so it can defend you from the virus load in the world right now. Here are the benefits you get from this supplement.

  •  Boosted Immunity: Your immunity benefits significantly from this supplement as it gets all the micronutrients it was lacking in the past. The cells get strengthened and start to guard as they should.
  •  Organic Product: The supplement uses organically grown ingredients that are free of toxins and chemicals. These ingredients give pure nutrients that supply the body with what it needs to be the best.
  •  Mental Clarity: This product provides new energy to the cells as it restores proper metabolism to the body. You can think, have better mental recollection and acuity, and greater focus.
  •  Safety: This product is manufactured under the highest production standards in the world. It is made within the US and follows a strict GMP protocol to produce a safe and beneficial product to the market.

Purchase & Price

This supplement is available only on the website of the supplier, along with a 100% money-back guarantee if you take action within 90 days. Here are the price packages:

  • Sample Package – This is a 1-month supply of the supplement and costs $39.93 per bottle.
  • Most Popular Package – This package contains a 3-month supply of the supplement and is priced at $34.95 per bottle. The total cost of 3 bottles is $104.85.
  • Best Value Package– This is a 6-month package with each bottle costing $29.95 and the total cost being $179.70.

Immunity 911 Review

Immunity 911’s Refund Policy

Phytage Labs is double sure its product will work for you and change how you feel within the course of a few weeks. Because of this, it has given a 90-day money-back guarantee to you that lets you use the supplement for three full months. If at the end of this time, you feel the product has not given you any benefits you desired, you are free to contact the company and request a refund. You will get a full refund, no questions asked.


How long do I have to wait to start getting the benefits of this product?

It only takes 4 to 6 weeks for you to feel the difference of Immunity 911. All you need to do is stay faithful to the daily dosage, and you will reap the benefits the product offers.

What generic ingredients are in Immunity 911?

The supplement does not contain any artificial ingredients. It is made from organically grown ingredients and is free of toxins and chemicals.

Is this supplement safe for people on a gluten-free diet?

Immunity 911 is a safe product that is free of gluten, dairy products, yeast, and lactose. This exclusion guards you against any undesirable side effects.


  • It is an organic product.
  • It is safe.
  • It has a 90-day money-back guarantee.
  • It boosts your immunity.
  • It gives mental clarity.
  • It is made in the USA.


  • It is limited in stock because of the current global colossal demand.

Customer Testimonials

“I have been struggling for quite some time now, waking up in the morning. I have also been having issues always being under the weather with something seemingly small, like the cold that will take weeks to heal. I have had a low appetite for as long as I can remember. A good friend of mine had been observing me for some time and finally asked me if I was willing to try out Immunity 911. I told her as long as it was safe, I could try eating moon rock just to get my health back.

The first three weeks were pretty uneventful. I was starting to get skeptical until the fourth week started, and I felt suddenly stronger. I couldn’t quite place it in words till I realized that my constantly stuffy nose was finally open. It has been an amazing journey of recovery. If you are thinking of getting this supplement, I assure you it is worth it.” Sandra Bullock.

“I was looking for something that would give my immunity a boost against diseases. My immunity got compromised years back when I had a nearly fatal accident. It took me years to recover, and one thing I thought I lost forever was my immunity.

One day my physiotherapist asked me if I had tried any immunity boosters. I had never really thought they could do much for me. But with his encouragement, I tried Immunity 911. I have never been happier. I am getting stronger by the day, and I am truly grateful I chose to try them.” Gary Richardson.


Your immunity is your first line of defense against disease. Low resistance means you are not safe against opportunistic infections. It is paramount for you to have strong resistance at this time. Staying alive depends on this very thing. With the Coronavirus pandemic on the rise, you must get your immunity healthy and ready for any eventuality. Try Immunity 911 today, and you will not be disappointed. It comes from Phytage Labs, a long-trusted supplement producer in the world.

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