TestRX Review

The body is a wondrous thing given to you to enable you to enjoy this life to the fullest. You can enjoy intellectual acts like reading, studying, teaching, among other creative activities. You can also be on the extreme side of town where you get physically engaging activities like mountain biking, kayaking, bungee jumping, and even skydiving. To get you to the point of physical fitness to pull off some of these activities, you need to buff up. And there’s no better place to buff up than the gym.

You have worked out your body to perfection in the past. You were so perfectly chiseled you felt like a demigod. But that was years ago. As you got older, you noticed that you were losing your perfect tone. It crept up on you slowly such that you didn’t see it until you couldn’t get back your muscle mojo. And you have tried. You have doubled, then tripled your reps, but your mass is not increasing in any way. And that is not the only thing not working right.

You have been failing to please your partner behind closed doors. Your stamina has faded to the point where it is easily noticeable. You are trying to avoid intimate times, so your partner doesn’t notice how much you have grown weak. What is it that is ailing you?

Your body changes over time and becomes less efficient in producing necessary hormones. This loss in essential hormones means that your body is not able to make the muscle mass needed to buff you up. It also means you are not able to perform at your best sexual performance. The loss of adequate levels of testosterone in your body is to blame for this change. And TestRX is here to help restore your body to its rightful performance. Read on to get the capabilities of this supplement.


What is TestRX?

TestRX is a supplement formulated with specific natural ingredients acquired from around the world. These ingredients are minerals, vitamins, and testosterone boosters that are specially combined to enhance your body’s functions. These elements come together to give you muscle gain, shred fat, boost your energy, and revitalize your sex drive.

This product is manufactured in the USA, ensuring it follows high manufacturing standards. It is produced by Leading Edge Health, a reputable company that has been in the supplement-making industry for several years with resounding success. The secret formula that makes this product different from the rest in the industry is Zinc, Magnesium Aspartate, and Vitamin B6, all of which are collectively called ZMA.

This formula was tested in a clinical trial involving football players from NCAA College. They were given the supplement for eight weeks, after which their testosterone levels were checked. The findings discovered they had increased their hormone levels by up to 30 percent. This percentage was in contrast to a separate group of football players who were given a placebo for the same duration of eight weeks. They saw a testosterone reduction of 10 percent. It just goes to show the working power of this supplement.

Ingredients Contained

TestRX uses eight powerful ingredients to bring together the power of testosterone boosters, energy boosters, and sex drive stimulants. These ingredients are sourced from organic sources to give you the benefits of safe, natural elements.

TestRX ingredients

  • ZMA: ZMA is the acronym for Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate, Magnesium Aspartate, and Vitamin B6. This combination of minerals and vitamins are responsible for boosting the production of HGH and testosterone in the body. These hormones are responsible for the increase in muscle mass and boosted energy levels. Zinc also has the potential benefit of improving your immunity.
  • Fenugreek Seed Extract: This herb is native to India and is used to shred fat. It is used here to help lose body fat. The herb is also vital in increasing available testosterone in your body. It is also essential in increasing your libido, helping you perform better in the bedroom.
  • Vitamin D3: This vitamin is necessary for the absorption of sunshine into the body. This vitamin aids in the absorption of calcium into the bones, making them more durable. The more significant part that this vitamin serves here is in the boosting of testosterone, which is essential for the development of muscles.
  • Vitamin K2: Vitamin K2 is essential in stabilizing bone density so that you do not undergo the bone loss that is prevalent when aging kicks in. This vitamin is also responsible for regulating testosterone levels and enhancing the cardiovascular system.
  • Vitamin B6: This vitamin is essential for the balance of the hormones in your body, more especially that of estrogen. Vitamin B6 is also vital for the increase in semen production. This production ensures you get all the necessary juice you need to work out in the bedroom with your partner.
  • Magnesium: This mineral is essential in the increase in energy levels in your body. It ensures you have an uninterrupted supply of energy to work out as much as you need. You can run, bike, and swim in a whole triathlon without taking a break in between when you have the help of this electrolyte.
  • Zinc Monomethionine: This mineral is capable of helping you maintain your energy levels and not get exhausted when your body is pushed to its limits. It is also seen to boost the sexual health of men losing their sexual strength.
  • D-Aspartic Acid: This acid, known as DAA, in short, is a potent testosterone booster. It stimulates the production of testosterone by activating the luteinizing hormone and the growth hormone as well as communicating with the testes to produce more testosterone. It is proven to cause up to a 23 percent increase in testosterone production.

How TestRX Works

TestRX has powerful ingredients, which, when combined, aid in the production of testosterone. The increase in testosterone in the body aids in the increase of muscle mass, sexual drive enhancement, weight loss, and energy increase.

Testosterone aids in protein production by its availability. It also limits the work of cortisol, which breaks down muscle tissue when left free reign. Testosterone is also capable of binding to the androgen in the cells making the protein available for use. It is used to repair the tiny tears that occur in muscle tissue when you are working out. This repair ensures your muscles heal and build faster.

The supplement also has a combination of ZMA, which improves your sleep immensely. You get to have stage three and four slow-wave sleep that ensures your body has enough deep rest to repair and build itself. You also benefit from a mineral boost when you take this supplement. It provides you with the right minerals to improve testosterone production and take your muscle growth to the next level. When combined, all these effects cause your body to have masculine growth.

TestRX Usage

TestRX is a revolutionary testosterone supplement that is guaranteed to supply your body with the testosterone it needs. The production of this hormone does not ensure that you will buff up. You will gain from the benefits of losing weight, improved sleep, increased mental clarity, among other benefits. But to achieve the most out of muscle growth, you need to hit the gym. The supplement then comes in to boost your muscle conversion. Your muscle mass is increased tremendously.

To get the best out of this supplement, you need to take it religiously as advised. Follow this regimen regularly, and you will start to see its benefits from the first month going up until the third month when you get the most significant gains.


The recommended dosage for this supplement is four pills a day. Follow this routine religiously for at least three months to get the most out of the supplement.

Safety Standards of TestRX

TestRX is manufactured in the USA under strict Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) standards. These standards ensure you get a high-quality product that will serve you. To add on top of these standards are the clinical trials that this product has undergone. You are assured that this supplement increases testosterone production in over 90 percent of men who use it.

Advantages of TestRX

TestRX comes with four potent advantages that will turn your life around.

  • All-in-one Testosterone Formula: This supplement brings together the most potent minerals, vitamins, and essential nutrients that are needed to boost testosterone production. You have a winning formula that will get your body producing all the necessary testosterone for your all-round wellbeing.
  • Increased Muscle Mass: You are assured of an increase in muscle mass when you juice up your body with the right nutrients and cause increased testosterone production. The testosterone aids in the production of proteins, which is essential for the creation of muscles.
  • Boosted Sexual Drive: Your body regains its natural manly strength, allowing you to perform like a stud in the bedroom. Your sex drive is revitalized as you gain more power through the testosterone pumping in your blood.
  • Improved Sleep: Taking this supplement deepens your sleep giving you better quality sleep. Improved rest equals your recovering faster from exercise and building muscle more quickly. Better rest also equals better cognitive abilities and greater mental clarity.

Purchase & Price

TestRX offers you the best prices for its products on its official site. You get six different pricing models to choose from, starting with the one month supply going up to the six month supply.

  • The first month supply is one pack and is priced at $59.95.
  • The second package is the two-month package and costs $119.95.
  • You will have to pay for the shipping for these two packages separately.
  • The three, four, five, and six month supply all have free global shipping. The three month supply costs $179.95.
  • The four-month supply costs $239.95.
  • The five-month supply costs $299.95, while the six month supply costs $349.95.

order testrx

Money-Back Guarantee and Refund Policy

This company gives you the surety of a refund of your full funds if you are not satisfied with the product. You get to use the supplement for 60 days, and if it does not satisfy you, then you can always return it. The company gives you an extra seven days on top of the regular 60 days so that you can return the product with peace of mind.

You are allowed to return the two containers, which cover the two months, as well as any other containers that are unopened. You will get a full refund for these unopened containers too. You will only have access to one order refund.


How fast will I get results once I start to use TestRX?

You will start to feel the benefits of the supplement in one month. Taking it regularly for three months ensures you get the best results that the product promises.

How soon will I get the product once I order?

You should give the product 2-3 business days on express shipping and 7-10 business days by regular mail if you have ordered within the United States. You can get the supplement within two weeks if you are outside the US.

How safe is TestRX?

TestRX is made safe for the masses. Anyone can use it. You will need to consult your doctor if you have any underlying medical conditions or are under any prescribed medication.


  • It has a 67-day money-back guarantee.
  • It reduces your body fat fast.
  • It gives you muscle gain within a month.
  • It uses all-natural ingredients.
  • You get discounts when you order from the official site.


  • It has limited time offers.

Customer Testimonials

“I am a hard gainer from when I was young. It became a tougher road when I turned 35 years. But I discovered TestRX and got better results than I have ever gotten even before I hit my plateau. I am a believer.” Rex Arthur.

“I was a diehard gym addict most of my life until I turned 25 and got too busy in life. I thought my body had irreversibly changed when I tried to get back on board at 33 years. I thought that was the end of getting results until a friend told me to try TestRX. Two months on, and I can say there is still hope for me. I have gained so much mass and lost a lot of unwanted fat. I am back!” Tim Clive.


Gaining mass is not such an easy task when you are past 30 years. It gets harder when you are a hard gainer, to begin with. But there is still hope for you even if you don’t see the results right now. All it takes is to try out TestRX and get great results for the effort you put in.

testrx reviews

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